
Ministry Training The Complete Series

At Glory of Zion International, we do not believe that God’s people are just sheep! They are HIs family and army in the earth. We believe that we are called to equip God’s people to do the works of Jesus. We also believe that each gift in the Body of Christ that is resident in all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ can come into the fullness of their God-designed destiny, and the Kingdom of God will move forward!

As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we cannon to forward in ministry without the Holy Spirit. Consequently, in 2008, we offered training that focused on the manifestations of the Holy Spirit and how to minister from a prophetic, healing and deliverance standpoint.

Speakers include: Chuck Pierce, Robert Heidler, Keith Pierce, Linus and Karen Vaughn, LeAnn Squier, John Dickson, Linda Heidler and Deborah DeGar.