Head of the Year 5785

Head of the Year 5784: The Battle for the High Places!

$35 (reg. $50)

Head of the Year 5785 October 4-6! 

You are part of a troop that has been anointed to battle for the high places!  The end of every year is the start of a new beginning, and our Head of the Year Celebration was an amazing launch into 5785. The powerful prophetic release and revelation from each of these sessions will help you ascend in worship and topple the enemy’s attempt to rule.

Chuck Pierce: A Feast of Trumpets Awakening Celebration!
Robert Heidler:The Hebrew Year 5785 … the Battle for the High Places!
Chuck Pierce: Kingdom Harvest Alliance … How Will You Rule in Your Harvest Field?
Isaac Pitre:Time to War for the High Places!
Amanda Hill: 5785 … Winds of Mercy, Breakthrough, and Recompense!
Tim Carscadden: Warring to Build an Altar of Worship on the High Places!
Curt Landry:Awakening the King-Priest Anointing!
Sheryl Price: Knowing the Lord as the Way, the Truth and the Life!
John Price: Prophetic Declarations to Shift the Nation!
Venner Alston: A Bloody Season!

*Plus, incredible times of worship with James Vincent, Richelle Garcia and Impact Center, Victory Boyd, Leonard & Genise Jarman, and the GZI Judah Team.

You are called to go up! Gain momentum for your ascent and be commissioned to battle for the high places!

*Not included in CD set.

$35 (reg. $50)
