
Passover 5784 - Pre order

Passover 5784: Gaining Access to Your Future!

April 26 - April 28, 2024

Pre order price $35 (reg. $70)

In this Passover Era, we must cross over each year to war for our promises ahead.  As we choose to advance with a mentality of access, we can then secure the future God has assigned to us. His times are built around harvest seasons, so it’s vital that we gather at Passover to embrace His revelation for this time of crossing over individually, corporately, territorially and generationally.  I invite you to Passover 5784 – Gaining Access to Your Future here at the Global Spheres Center in Corinth, Texas.

On-site sessions include: Chuck Pierce, Venner Alston, Sean Feucht, James Goll, Kent Mattox, Daniel & Amber Pierce, Isaac Pitre, and Arleen Westerhof

Online sessions include: Dutch Sheets, Joshua Giles, Tom & Jane Hamon, Robert Heidler, John & Sheryl Price, and Chris Reed

Pre order price $35 (reg. $70)

