First Fruits: Giving Our Best

I believe the Lord is restoring the Firstfruits offering in the Body of Christ. A firstfruit offering is not your tithe. (One tenth of what you have belongs to the Lord.) Rather, the Firstfruits Principle is presenting the best of the first of what you receive. The law nowhere specified the amount that was to be given in the shape of offerings of this kind but left each individual to use their discretion in giving. The only stipulation was that the choicest portions were always to be offered (Num 18:12).

Many do not realize that the Firstfruits offering actually releases God’s best for us. When you present your Firstfruit offering to the Lord, the whole lump gets blessed. You should always recognize your first fruits. When you identify, set apart and present these offerings to the Lord, you acknowledge that your provision is from Him. Whatever He brought into your safe keeping, you have returned the best portion to Him. So from then on you will be able to multiply the rest. You are assured of multiplying 30, 60 or 100. You can’t decrease! In other words, you will be sustained, multiply, and accomplish God’s purpose in the earth realm. As you listen to this teaching, my prayer is that you will be willing to give your most choice portion to the Lord and enter into the best He has for you.

Chuck D. Pierce
Speaker is Robert Heidler.