Breaking of the Day Prophetic Conference!
April 30 - May 1, 2020
A new day is breaking forth in this new era. As we continue to cross over and emerge from this Divine Pause, we are leaving behind “normal” expectations and awakening to a new Kingdom order. Knowing the mind and heart of God will enable us to advance in this great change. Don’t miss entering into this international worship and revelation that will pave the way for your day of breakthrough.
Julie Meyer: A Psalm 25 Season! Dutch Sheets:The Significance of Prophetic Dreams! Breaking of the Day WatchRobert Heidler: Living in the Prophetic … Hearing the Voice of God in Your Daily Life!Rebekah Verbeten: Encouragement for Uncertain Times from the City of the Great King! Daniel Pierce: Strengthening Covenant Relationships!
Amber Pierce: Releasing the Anointing for Opening New Portals! Linda Heidler: A Review of this Prophetic Season! Cindy Jacobs: A New Era of Holy Spirit!Tom Hamon: A Kingdom Release Moment to Arise, Mobilize and Build! Jane Hamon: Impartation, Activation and Manifestation for Revival!
Mark Gonzalez: Shaking for Realignment with a Supernatural Move of God!Trevor Baker: Prophetic Revelation from the Book of Esther … Moving with Wisdom and Revelation!Ray Hughes: Accessing the Promises of God Through the Sound of Selah!
Isaac Pitre: Birthing the Earth, the Sons of God and Nations!
Align your voice with Heaven’s outpouring, and receive your charge to come forth! Your new day is breaking!