
Colorful Connections

Colorful Connections: 12 Questions About Race That Open Healthy Conversation


Many conversations are happening at home and in church about difficult and timely topics--but when it comes to race, too many Christians are silent. It's time to speak up. But where do we start?

Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith and Lori Stanley Roeleveld enter a transparent and open dialogue about race, privilege, bias, and discrimination.

As you witness the real-time process of meaningful discussion, you'll see how these women model healthy conversations--giving voice to pain without blame, expressing anger without ridicule, and asking questions without guilt.

These pages are filled with vulnerable personal stories, biblical teaching, conversation starters, and practical next steps. By the end, you too will be equipped to have your own colorful conversations, and find your place in healing the racial divide and bringing together the body of Christ.

One aspect of the prophetic ministry in the Body of Christ is the watchman.  Ezekiel, the best Biblical example of a prophet watchman, spoke many words of warning which reflected woe, mourning's and lamentations. The Watchman will help you understand how this gift is still needed today, and how the watchman and intercessory gift work individually as well as together.