Gate = Decision

Gate = Decision: Are You Ready To Go Through Your Gate?

Did you know God is in the business of opening gates?

So many of us are walking through this life unaware of the guiding hand of God.  We often half-way acknowledge He’s kept us from terrible things that could have happened, but do we really understand the magnitude of His direction in our lives?

Who are you, and where have you come from?  What determines the challenges in your life?  Are you open enough to pursue what God has for you?

In Gate = Decision, each chapter builds upon the other, giving you an understanding of the flow of God's providence for your personal life. When we follow Holy Spirit's leading, each gate we take should prepare and propel us into our purpose and destiny, and the providence of God's Kingdom within us! God is so perfect in all of His ways; we know that He has supernaturally made a way JUST FOR YOU!

By: Judy Block