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Passover 5783: A Crossover of Conquest - Your Future Awaits!
April 7- April 9, 2023
In a Passover Era, each year we must cross over and war for our promises. As we choose to advance with a mentality of conquest, we can then secure the boundaries God has assigned to us. His times are built around harvest seasons, and Passover 5783 was an incredible time of crossing over individually, corporately, territorially, and generationally. Every message was just amazing, and the “Fire Tunnel” impartation service was beyond. Our closing session then took us into an “Ascension Dimension” and we were activated and empowered to possess our promises. The incredible worship, revelation, and prophetic charges from these anointed ministers accelerated us into a Crossover of Conquest:
Robert Heidler: Overcoming the Enemy by Power, by the Blood, and by the Wind!
Dutch Sheets: Crossing Over From the Barrenness of 11 to the Glory of 12!
Kent Mattox: Time to Make a Quantum Shift!
Chuck Pierce: Get Prepared for a Season of Conquest!
Venner Alston: Conquest Through Movement!
John and Sheryl Price: Impartation to Shift Frequencies and Release the Anointing!
Marty Cassady: Turning Trauma into a Testimony of the Power of the Blood of Jesus!
Chuck Pierce, Daniel & Amber Pierce, Keith Pierce, Isaac Pierce: Fire Tunnel Impartation to Cross Over into Miracles!
Isaac Pitre: The Ascension Dimension … the Era of the Man-King!
This is the time to secure your inheritance … your future awaits!